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Physiotherapy for the elderly

How can physiotherapy help you?

MK Go Physio is committed to helping the most vulnerable in the community. I regularly treat the elderly in their homes, helping to improve mobility, helping to improve balance and helping to improve confidence following a fall. Given that the elderly are often taken care of by their families, I provide reassurance to clients and their relatives, remaining in regular contact with everyone involved. During the assessment, I explain the short-term and long-term treatment plans so clients and their relatives feel completely empowered and confident about the rehabilitation programme.

My role as your physiotherapist
  • I will carry out an extensive assessment. This will involve looking at your movement, strength, mobility, coordination, range of motion and balance. I will conduct some tests during the initial assessment to have a quantifiable picture of your current level of physical ability.

  • I will give you specific exercises to reactivate and strengthen certain muscle groups.

  • If there is any muscle or joint stiffness, I may offer you soft tissue mobilisations or massage.

  • I will prescribe targeted balance exercises if a lack of balance is impacting your mobility.

  • I may address your walking pattern and carry out gait re-education.

  • I am committed to assisting you in achieving your personal goals: for example, getting out of the house and walking to the local shops with confidence.

  • I may advise you on lifestyle and fatigue management.

  • If you have had a fall, I will carry out a full assessment to determine the cause. I will aim to build your confidence if you have a fear of falling.

  • I may assess your home environment to determine if there are any trip hazards.

  • If suitable, I can advise regarding equipment that may benefit you at home.

  • I will give you a personalised exercise programme that is printed clearly with pictures and easy for you to follow when you are on your own or with your carer or family member.

  • I may contact your GP if medical problems need to be addressed.

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